Son shot from father’s pistol and committed suicide: 80 percent of marks passed 12th, shot as soon as father went

Son shot from father's pistol and committed suicide: 80 percent of marks passed 12th, shot as soon as father went

A minor student in Gwalior on Tuesday night shot himself from his father’s licensed pistol and committed suicide. At the time of the incident, the mother-father of the student went to the market for some work. When he returned at 9.10 pm, the incident was detected. The blood -stained body of the only son, Bay

Mukesh Singh Lodhi, a resident of Gurukrupa Nagar in Maharajpura police station area of ​​the city, is a retired soldier from the army. Apart from his wife in the family, his only son 17 -year -old Mohit Lodhi lives with him. On Tuesday, Mukesh went to the market in the city for some work with his wife. Son Mohit was alone at home. As soon as the father left on the night, Mohit took out a 32 -bore license pistol of the father kept in the cupboard and reached the bedroom inside. Here he pressed the trigger on his temple and stubbornly. As soon as the bullet fired, he crossed the head. The bullet listened by the people around, but after that they felt that there would be a similar voice. Around 9 o’clock, when the retired army returned home and reached inside, the only son was stained with blood in the bedroom. His license pistol was lying nearby and there was blood in the whole room. It did not take long for him to understand that the son had taken suicidal steps. Seeing the son lying like this, the mother screamed. On hearing this, people gathered around. As soon as the information was received, Maharajpura police station reached the spot and started investigating. There was an important son, Mohit was to make IPS, the dream student was the only son of his father. In the same year, he passed the 12th examination with 80 percent marks. Now he was preparing for competitive examinations. His father’s dream was that his son became IPS, but I do not know what happened that he broke all the dreams and went away forever. Why did this suicidal stepmade Mohit Singh Lodhi who was promising in studies and never got any complaint. Was, no one can understand why he took such a big step. The police has not been able to talk to the family, but it is not known that someone had scolded him or he was upset on something. At the same time, the police is also finding that there was no pressure on him about his studies. No one was allowed to realize, what is going to do, the family members are still not sure that Mohit can take such a step. Is. When the father was leaving for the market, the son looked normal. Then suddenly what happened in an hour that he committed suicide. Neither the police nor the family is able to understand this. Police has not received any suicide note till 11 pm. The police are now dependent on the student’s mobile. The police hopes that something will be found from the mobile that can cause light in this matter. In this case, Sub Inspector Gaurav Kumar said that a minor student has committed suicide by shooting himself from his father’s licensed pistol. Police is investigating, further action will be taken based on the facts that will come out.

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