Surprise inspection, line attached to Ghatia police station in -charge on negligence

Surprise inspection, line attached to Ghatia police station in -charge on negligence

On Tuesday, Superintendent of Police Pradeep Sharma conducted a surprise inspection of Mahila police station and Ghatia police station. During this time, due to negligence and indifference in the work, the Ghatia police station in -charge was made to attach the line to attach the line. During this, he checked all the registers of both the police stations. The complaint, bail canceled application form, FIR, lockup, arsenal, record room and police stations saw conditions of drinking water and sanitation. During this time, the Superintendent of Police directed the women’s station in -charge Munshilal Panwar to resolve the pending cases and coordinate between the police and the public and directed all the force posted at the police station and the police station. Station in -charge Radheshyam Chauhan was attached to the line on negligence and indifference to duties. SP Sharma also took feedback from applicants present at both police stations.

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