The Bengal Governor sued a defamation against Mamta: he said- he made wrong comments; CM had said- women are afraid of going to Raj Bhavan

The Bengal Governor sued a defamation against Mamta: he said- he made wrong comments; CM had said- women are afraid of going to Raj Bhavan

For the first time in the country, the Governor has filed a defamation case on CM. West Bengal Governor CV Anand Bose filed the case against CM Mamata Banerjee and some TMC leaders on Friday in the Calcutta High Court.

Mamta said that the women had complained to them that She is afraid of going there due to the activities of Raj Bhavan. There has been a long tussle in the Governor-CM.

The governor was accused of tampering by a temporary female worker of Raj Bhavan on 2 May amid Lok Sabha elections. The Mamta government handed over the investigation to the police. At the same time, the Governor banned the entry of police in Raj Bhavan. The Governor said in the petition

that the incident was inspired by politics. Police provoked the woman and motivated them to make videos.

Two sexual harassment cases against Governor Bose

First case: Women’s worker of Raj Bhavan on Governor CV Anand Bose 2 On May, accused of sexual harassment. He gave a written complaint to the Hare Street police station regarding the case. According to the news agency PTI, the woman alleges that she went to the Governor on 24 March with a permanent job request. Then the governor misbehaved. When this happened again on Thursday, she took a complaint with the police officer posted outside the Raj Bhavan. He was accused of sexual harassment at a 5 star hotel in Delhi by an Odysse classical dancer. The complaint was lodged in October 2023. According to the Newz agency PTI, the Bengal Police submitted an investigation report to the state government last week. The case has come to light on 14 May. Odyssee Dancer has stated in her complaint that she went to seek help from the Governor regarding the problems related to foreign travel.

In the investigation report, what reports in the report claims that the CCTV footage has the entry in the Governor’s hotel in the CCTV footage And the time of exit and the time told by the woman in her complaint is one.

however, the Odyssey dancer did not say why she filed a complaint in October after 10 months. There has been no response from CV Bose or Raj Bhavan on the whole matter.

Governor said- The conspiracy Governor has denied the woman’s allegations on the social media platform X to discredit me. He said, ‘This is a conspiracy to discredit me. I have been made baseless allegations. Truth will win. He further said that I am not afraid of artificial nervous. If someone wants electoral advantage by discrediting me, then God should do well. I cannot stop the fight against corruption-violence. ‘

Mamta said- Sitting near the Governor is also a sin

Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee said at a rally in Howrah on 11 May. That everything about Governor Anand Bose has not yet been revealed. There is another video and pen drive.

Mamta said- If now Raj Bhavan is called then I will not go. If the governor wants to talk to me, he can call me on the road. I will meet them there. Sitting near them is also a sin now.

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