The body of a woman found hanging from a tree in the park: People saw the dead body to walk in Firozabad for a morning walk, police are trying to identify

The body of a woman found hanging from a tree in the park: People saw the dead body to walk in Firozabad for a morning walk, police are trying to identify

The body of the woman was found hanging on a tree in a park located in the police station area of ​​Firozabad. People who arrived for a walk in the park informed the police about the incident. Police reached the spot and sent the body for postmortem. At the same time, the attempt to identify the dead body started on Tuesday morning at Deendayal Park located in the area across the line. Where the body of a young woman was hung on a tree with the help of a scarf. Seeing this view, people informed the police on dial 112.

Police reached the spot and sent the body for postmortem and also questioned the people. Manu Vajpayee, a young man who came for a walk in the park, told that he had come for a walk in the morning. Then saw the body of the woman hanging on the tree. He also informed the other people in the park. Then the police arrived and took the body from the tree and sent it for postmortem. Inspector Rishi Kumar said that the body of the woman has not yet been identified. Information has been made from the people around. The woman appears to be of another locality. At present, along with sending the body for postmortem, efforts have been started to identify.

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