The leopard that killed the girl in Haryana caught: was 20 meters away from people in the morning, then hidden in drain sewerage; Rescue in 45 minutes

A man -eating leopard was caught on Sunday afternoon near Bhainswal village adjacent to Yamuna in Panipat, Haryana. People saw it in the fields in the morning. He then hid in drone sewerage. People reported this to the forest department team.

The team from Rohtak rescued him for 45 minutes. Now he has taken him to Rohtak. On June 9, the same leopard killed a girl in the fields in the area of ​​UP in front of Nawada village in Haryana. After which people were in panic.

Photos of leopard rescue ….

3 days have been searching for the teams for the forest department and police for three days. Was lived In the forests, an attempt was made to find him continuously with the help of drones, but he could not be imprisoned in drones. Meanwhile, on Sunday, the leopard was captured in the cameras of the local villagers.

from about 20 meters, people captured him in his mobile cameras. After this immediately informed the forest department.

The villagers said- Leopardly entered into drain sewerage. Leopardly villagers told the Wildlife Department that the leopard has entered within the sewerage of drain number 2. On the other side on the other side, the Forest Department team reached the spot. After which he started his rescue. The team was called from Rohtak. The team closed the drain from both sides.

area was evacuated as a precaution. Police teams also reached the spot. A crowd of villagers was sent to the other side. The team has asked everyone to remain completely silent here. So that the leopard does not be angry and can be caught properly.

3 After injection, the leopard, which was unconscious, put 3 injected leopards from the tranquilizer gun. Due to which the leopard fainted. When he fainted, 2 employees went inside the sewerage and dragged him out. People stopped going to the fields; The 4 -year -old girl

There is an atmosphere of panic due to the knock of leopards in villages adjacent to Yamuna in Panipat, Haryana. 6 teams of the forest department are trying to search for leopards by blowing and combing drones in the forests of UP Yamuna Khadar region, adjoining the Yamuna river, Nawada-Pathargarh and Haryana border. The leopard is seen in the village Nawada, Patthargarh, Tamshabad. Due to which the people of the villages of both the states are scared. Teams are searching for leopards from morning to evening, but nothing has been known yet (read the full news)

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