The son of a retired policeman hanged in Bhilai: VIP number came from the fort, a noose made from the tree

The son of a retired policeman hanged in Bhilai: VIP number came from the fort, a noose made from the tree

The son of a retired policeman committed suicide by hanging himself in Bhilai Township, Chhattisgarh. His body was found hanging from the tree on Tuesday morning. He came to Bhilai from Durg with an 1111 VIP number car. The case is of Bhilai Nagar police station area. According to the information, the deceased has been identified as Jitendra Pandey’s father Ravindra Pandey (37). Ravindra Durg has retired from the police as Head Constable. Earlier, he used to live in the police line. Currently live near Maharaj Chowk in Durg. Ravindra was ill for a few days. That’s why Jitendra was upset.


is told that Jitendra came from his car CG 05 M 1111 towards Bhilai Township around 5 am on Tuesday morning. He parked the car at a dense tree place near St. Thomas College Road. After this, he swung on the noose by tying a pot with a tree. When the passers -by passing by around 7 am, they called him and informed the police. After taking Panchnama action, the police took the body down from the tree and sent it to Marchuri for postmortem. Bhilai Nagar TI Rajkumar Lahre says that the cause of suicide has not been known. The police will interrogate the family and his friends, only then something will be known.

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