Trailer overturned with stone dust in Dabla railway underpass: Driver escaped after accident

A trailer filled with stone dust overturned on Monday at the railway underpass located on the State Highway 37D at the railway station Dabla in Patan area. Due to the accident,

shopkeeper Resham Gurjar, who lives near the underpass, said that a trailer filled with dust was going towards Patan. During this time, while climbing in the underpass, the trolley suddenly broke the weather, due to which the trailer started uncontrolled and hit backwards and hit the underpass wall and overturned. Due to the overturning of the trailer, the road to the underpass was completely jammed.

There was no vehicle coming from behind, otherwise a big accident could have happened. The trailer driver escaped from the spot after the accident. On the information, Dabla police reached the spot and took stock of the incident.

villagers say that big overload trailers have run in the area for several days, due to the high depth of the underpass, big trailers would have problems in climbing due to high depth of the underpass. Is, due to which the overload trailers become uncontrolled and back down. In the past, many trailers have been back here, so a big accident can happen at any time.

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