Truck dragged the couple and son for 100 meters: At a high speed truck collided in a bike in Purnia; Husband and wife dies, son Ilajrat

Truck dragged the couple and son for 100 meters: At a high speed truck collided in a bike in Purnia; Husband and wife dies, son Ilajrat

In Purnia at 5 pm on Saturday evening, a high speed truck hit 3 people riding bikes strongly. After the accident, the truck dragged the three for about 100 meters. The couple and her son were riding on the bike. In this painful incident, people caught the truck driver in order to escape on Sunday morning in order to treat the husband and wife. Then after getting the information, he has been handed over to the police of Sadar police station on the spot. Here, as soon as the news of this painful accident reached the family, there was a scream. At present, the police reached the spot as soon as the incident was reported. The body has been sent to GMCH Purnia for postmortem in its possession. ), Has been in the form of wife Parvati Devi (65). While the condition of son Sylvester Oraon (23) is said to be quite critical.

On Saturday, the accident took place on Saturday

Giving information about the incident At 4 pm, the relative’s house was going to Kasba from the house in Lake Tola. In this sequence, the speeding truck coming from the front near Mahamaya temple of Purnia City of Sadar police station area suddenly lost its balance. Then he hit the bike strongly.

Drawing up to 100 meters, the couple and son

the truck dragged the couple and his son for about 100 meters. After the incident, local people gathered on the spot. In view of the critical condition of the injured, everyone was admitted to a private hospital in the city. Where the couple died in the course of treatment this morning, while the son’s condition remains critical.

Here, as soon as the information of this painful accident reached the family, there was a scream. Giving information about the incident, Sadar Police Station Rajiv Lal said that after the incident, people chased the truck and caught the truck driver. Then handed over to the police. At the same time, the police reached the hospital as soon as the incident was received. The body has been sent to GMCH for postmortem in its possession.

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