Varanasi Municipal Corporation’s drainage system exposed: Water logging occurred at 30 places due to rain, roads

The first rains have opened the pole strip of all the claims of the city-corporation. The drainage system was demolished at 30 places of the city. The problem of severe water logging was seen here. A case of road sinking at 20 places came to light.

As soon as the rain stopped on Thursday, the municipal corporation’s jugaad system started. Somewhere the picture of draining water was revealed by putting a pump from the sewer, then somewhere the Naal Man Machine was resorted to.

There was no concrete and permanent solution to save from waterlogging from the Municipal Corporation. Due to this, there is a problem of waterlogging in the rain every time. The drains are being cleaned these days by the Municipal Corporation. Three times the target was set for this.

In the first meeting, time was given till June 15, it was extended to 20 June, and now municipal officials say that 30 June In any case, all the drains of Varanasi will be cleaned completely.

One rain has told how much a drain is cleaning

A total of 437 small and big in the city There are drains. It includes 97 big drains of the engineering department and 301 small drains under the health department, besides 39 small and medium drains in the Navshahari area.

but, after the rain, the picture has come out after seeing it. It has been that the corporation has been able to fulfill only 50 percent of the drains. At present, officials claim that we have cleaned more than 70 percent drains.

Nala cleaning the sewer and leaving the dirt on the road Is. The condition is that wherever cleaning has been done in the city, the silt of drains is spread on the road. For this reason, mud is set to be on the road during rainy days.

silt is facing trouble. In many areas, a mountain of silt has stood up. If these silt is not raised in time, then these silt in the rain will flow again and go back to the drains.

budget of 2 crores …. The target of 100 percent cleaning till 30 June

The biggest cause of waterlogging is silt and garbage rivulets. This time also a tender of two crore rupees has been done. The city commissioner has given the responsibility of cleaning the large drains to the Chief Engineer.

Small drains cleaning has been given to the Health Department and the cleaning of manhole to Jalkal. Despite this, the drains have not been cleared yet. Chief Engineer Moinuddin said that the drains will be cleaned by June 30. The silt is also raised after drying up.

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