Water Supply Department: Jayasamand line torn before pheasant filter plant, 5 lakh liters of water shed, supply interrupted in 5 thousand houses of Hiranmagri-Savina

Water Supply Department: Jayasamand line torn before pheasant filter plant, 5 lakh liters of water shed, supply interrupted in 5 thousand houses of Hiranmagri-Savina

Jaisamand pipeline of Water Supply Department suddenly exploded between water pressure at 6 pm on Friday evening. Prior to the crack in the line near the Gatodji temple, about 5 lakh liters of water was wasted. After the information, the responsibilities of the department took the front and supplied from Jaisamand

The department’s personnel were busy repairing the line till late night. Meanwhile, the supply to about 5 thousand consumers of the colonies of Savina and Deer Magri Sector 14 of the city will be interrupted. The areas where the supply was to be held on Friday evening, will be supplied at 10 am on Saturday. The supply of Saturday morning will be done in the evening and the evening supply will be done on Sunday morning. According to departmental experts, the line is about 30 years old. After a slight leakage in it, the pressure is torn.

Gopal Singh Sisodia, Assistant Engineer (first) of the city block reached the spot on the information of the line burst on Friday. The work of repairing the line started by closing the supply. Explain that 18 to 20 MLD water is filled daily in the filter plant at Parti. Before reaching the filter plant, this water is stored on the PS-4 (pumping station) in the placenta of Kevda. From here, the pump is transported to the pungent.

This evening supply will be held tomorrow morning

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