Why power crisis in Rajasthan?: Energy Development Corporation took no work order from select auction of solar plants

Why power crisis in Rajasthan?: Energy Development Corporation took no work order from select auction of solar plants

Despite having the country’s largest solar power reserves, Rajasthan is forced to face the power crisis. For this, the influx of Energy Development Corporation and wrong decisions are responsible. An example is also associated with auction of solar plants. Like the Center and other states, our T

In return, we used to take 7 paise commission on each unit from the plant. But in 2023, the Energy Development Corporation took the responsibility of auction in the name of saving the commission itself, while the resources of the corporation were not capable of this. Result- Work orders released in a few weeks were not ready even for 1 year. This stuck the work of plants of 1000 MW capacity, which would increase our power availability.

During this time the government also had to cancel two tenders. Not only this, the corporation also bought electricity expensive than Seki. Between 2020 and 2022, Seki fixed Rs 2.49, Rs 2 and Rs 2.17 per unit power purchase, but the corporation decided to purchase expensive power at Rs 2.61/unit. The corporation argues that the rate depends on different factors. .

RPO lagging behind the target Rajasthan, because transmission system is not ready But do not even buy purchases. All states are obliged to buy energy (solar, wind and water) in a certain amount of power purchased throughout the year.

This is called renewable energy purchase Obligation (RPO). But since its implementation in 2010, the state has not been able to meet this target even once and every year it buys thermal power at expensive prices and the price is recovered from consumers. There is a provision to recover financial penalty from states for not meeting RPO targets. When this happens, its weight will also be on the pocket of consumers.

* by 2030, 43.3% renewable energy purchase has been fixed for the state. But it is difficult to achieve the goal with this pattern. This is a square m. In 5.72 units of solar energy per day gives the capacity of production. Every year 21 thousand MW solar energy is produced. But 15 thousand MW power goes out of the state. The reason for not using solar energy is that our grid stations are not capable of power transmission. Solar parks were to be built in the previous government, but even after two years, the land was not allotted even after two years. Thousand crore tenders have been removed, of which 3200 MW thermal and 8000 MW of solar energy. “-Hiralal Nagar, Energy Minister

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