Women outraged by water problem sitting on dharna: Water has to be purchased by paying money, no solution even after complaint

Water pipeline has not been put by the water supply department in ward number 4 of Hamirgarh Municipality, as a result people have come out on the road for water. For the last 2 years, people have to pay 300 to 500 rupees a month for drinking water. To get rid of this problem

Mubarik Hussain Mansuri, who lives in Ward 4, told that the Korona period in the ward Since the problem of water has taken a formidable form, there is a government tubewell under the municipality in the ward, but it has to be paid for 500 rupees a month for its water. Many times the local public representatives and MLAs and other administrative officials have given a memorandum about this problem, but we have not been able to ointment on the pain of the ward people till now. Rose wakes up in the morning and starts a struggle for water which continues till noon. It remains, many times in the race to fill the water, there are many times that they are not able to go on the work. Before the ward had a hand pump on the nooks of the ward, as if 40 to 45 families living in the ward used to get water of daily useful needs, but due to the fall in the water level in handpums for the last 2 years. There is no water in it either. We are forced to bring water from the tubewells installed by the municipality, which some people are charging 300 to 500 rupees of water. On this problem, the ward, including the women of the ward, protesting against the male municipality, on a dharna in the municipality office Is sitting The women said that the protest demonstration will continue till the problem is resolved. During this time, a large number of women and men are demonstrating including Salim Bisayati, Aziz Bisayati Islam Banu, Razia Banu, Jebun Banu.

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