Youth dies in suspicious condition: Police found unconscious in house, police engaged in investigation

Youth dies in suspicious condition: Police found unconscious in house, police engaged in investigation

A young man died in a suspicious condition in Sanda village of Dholpur Kotwali police station area. After the death of the young man, on Saturday night, the family reached the district hospital with the dead body. Where the duty doctor posted in the Emergency declared the young man dead and the dead body of the district hospital, Sub Inspector Radheshyam Khatana, who came to postmortem the deceased, said that a report was received from the hospital on Saturday night. In which it was told that a young man died in suspicious condition. After the incident, the family reached the Kotwali police station on Sunday. Where Hariom, brother of the deceased young man Sunil son Mithan, informed the police that his brother Sunil was found unconscious in the house on Saturday night. Which the family rushed to the district hospital for treatment. Where the doctor declared him dead after investigation.

Sub Inspector said that after the report was given by the relatives, the postmortem of the deceased has been done from the Medical Board on Sunday afternoon. He said that after postmortem, the body has been handed over to the family members. After the report, further action will be taken in the case.

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