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India did not sign at Ukraine Peace Summit: The country did not come back under pressure from Western countries; 7 countries made distance on shared statement

India did not sign at Ukraine Peace Summit: The country did not come back under pressure from Western countries; 7 countries made distance on shared statement

A two-day 15–16Joon) peace conference was held in Switzerland to find a way to stop the Ukraine War. Representatives of more than 100 countries and organizations attended this summit.

A joint statement was issued after this peace conference on the last day on Sunday, which was signed by more than 80 countries. 7 countries including India, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Indonesia, Thailand, Mexico and UAE did not do so. Interestingly, the Turkes who favor Russia this many times have signed it.

The shared statement stressed the regional integrity and sovereignty in a vigorous statement on regional integrity and said that peace diplomacy in Ukraine Will come from Apart from this, the shared statement also mentioned nuclear security, food security and exchange of prisoners.

Italy PM Georgia Melney said that these are the minimum conditions for talks with Russia. Ukrainian President Volodimir Jailonski called the conference the first step towards peace and appreciated it.

All sides to stop the war to stop the war, Foreign Secretary Pawan Kapoor, who is representing India at the needyukrain Peace Summit, said That India will continue to work with all the parties to prevent Ukraine war. He said that the war will stop only when both sides are unanimous. He would like to know the attitude of both sides before any initiative.

India has been becoming part of the summit to resolve Ukraine war before. Earlier, India attended the peace conference in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia in August 2023. India was represented by NSA Ajit Doval. Even then, India did not sign a shared statement.

India did not do the same before Sineus, India did the same at the Peace Summit held in Copenhagen and Malta. India is involved in every meetings related to the Ukraine crisis, but separates itself from its role in passing any proposal. . India has also done this at the UNSC, the United Nations General Assembly, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Human Rights Council.

India has been the same since the beginning of Russia and the Ukraine dispute. Actually both America and Russia are face to face in this dispute. India has been neutral without any side. On one hand, India prioritizes Russia’s purchase of arms. At the same time, on the other hand, India has had better relations in a few years with the US. Is. Russia and China have improved further after the Ukraine War began. In such a situation, India would not want to give any opportunity to offend a close partner.

Although many experts believe that this neutral attitude of India has been seen before. When the US attacked Iraq in 2003, India was not with the US on this issue.

India did not sign at Ukraine Peace Summit: The country did not come back under pressure from Western countries; 7 countries made distance on shared statement

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